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Animal Health (36)
Information about animal health and medicine, and veterinary clinics and hospitals.
Birds (10)
Sites about birds.
Cats (179)
Sites about cats only.
Cats and Dogs (24)
Some sites don't specialize in either cats or dogs, but feature both.
Cows (77)
Sites related to things bovine.
Dogs (501)
Sites about dogs only.
Fish (12)
Sites about fish.
Fun and Silly (9)
A site that has something goofy that doesn't fit well into any other category.
Horses (13)
Horses and things related to horses and riding.
Humane Organizations (43)
Animal welfare and rescue, humane societies, and other charitable organizations.
Other Sites for Pet Lovers (23)
Sites that are not pet related but may be of interest to people who love pets. (Family friendly only)
Pet Products and Services (227)
What you need for your pet -- or cute pet-related things to buy for yourself.
Reptiles and Amphibians (1)
Reptilian and amphibian sites.
Small Mammals (17)
Rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, and other little furry critters.

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